Thursday, August 27, 2009

Brooks Tower Video Interview

Thanks to station Galen Culver of NBC News, we can now peak into the home and studio of Brooks Tower, one of MAN's favorite artists.

Enjoy -- But remember, it's "opus sectile", not "opus set tile." Although, that kind of works, too.

(If you cannot see the video, click here.)


  1. Good report, I love how the reporter wrapped it up a the end.

  2. So, Brooks, that's what you look like.. and where you live... and how you do it. I'm a bit disgruntled today, Brooks, with a job I'm doing; I'm going to go out there now and 'do' it; after your explanation I don't really see a problem...just 'do' it however tiny and difficult. Thanks mate.
    Con Kiernan

  3. The link to the Brooks Tower video is not working.

  4. Dear OBJohn - So sorry, but I believe the video has been deleted from the internet by the television station. Pity!

  5. Sorry, OBJohn, but I believe the television station that produced the piece has taken it off the web.
