Thursday, December 24, 2009

Random Acts of Mosaic Kindness

In the spirit of the season, we offer you the latest discoveries from that North American goldmine of Roman mosaics, Gloucester, Massachusetts.

The Mystery Mosaicist has been at it again, gifting the town with art-filled potholes. Both of these are on Middle Street; the fish mosaic in front of the YMCA and the geometric one near School Street in front of a church.

Mosaicist and Somerville Mosaic Exhibit Co-Creator Margaret Ryan uses state-of-the-art techniques to excavate Gloucester Roman mosaic.

Random acts of mosaic kindness. We like this very, very much.

May your holidays -- however and whenever you celebrate them -- be filled with unbounded joy, good health and lots of love. We are sincerely grateful for your continued interest and support of MAN.

Blessings -- Bill, Nancie and Michael


  1. How wonderful!

    Merry Christmas. I will look forward to all your posts in the New Year.

  2. really happy to have found this site just weeks ago, so thanks so much for such interesting posts and seasons felicitations upon you all....

  3. I've always explained them as the farthest western extension of Byzantine Mosaic art. Obviously an incursion by the Emperor Justinian at the behest of Empress Theodora. XX Procopius
