Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oksana Mas: Ukranian Easter Egg Virgin Mary

(photo Reuters)
These images are all over the internet today -- as well they should be. Extraordinary, no?

(photo Reuters)
Ukranian artist Oksana Mas unveiled her mosaic vision of the Virgin Mary in the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev yesterday. The 7 x 7 meter mosaic is composed of 15,000 wooden Ukranian Easter eggs and weighs 2.5 tons.

The Saint Sophia Cathedral, designed to rival the Hagia Sophia, is known for its splendid Byzantine mosaics.

Although, Mas' Virgin does bring to mind Zeugma's "Gypsy Girl" as well.

(photo Reuters)
While clearly doing homage to the Cathedral's mosaic treasures, Mas has created something modern, reverential and representative of her homeland's rich culture and traditions.

(photo Sergei Supinksky/AFP/Getty Images)

Mas painted many of the eggs herself but as the project progressed, she enlisted the help of children from around her country to help complete the work.

(photo Sergei Supinksky/AFP/Getty Images)

The video below features an interview with Mas in front of the mosaic. You don't have to speak Russian to appreciate it. Wonderful images including several close-ups.

(for our Facebook fans, the link is:

Enjoy -- Nancie

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