Saturday, March 13, 2010

Celebrity Junk Drawer Portraits: Jason Mecier

It's the weekend and we're usually pretty inactive on the blog. But, today we stumbled into some fun stuff and just had to do a quick post.

If ever there was a poster boy for "Found Art", it would have to be Jason Mecier -- whose Celebrity Junk Drawer portraits are made up of trash those same celebrities have sent to him on request. Prescription bottles, used toothbrushes, Geritol bottle tops, fake pearls, dried sausages, a stuffed Kermit the Frog -- Mecier makes tesserae of them all.

The San Francisco-based artist is EVERYWHERE on the web these days, especially after his latest show opened. There are portraits galore including Lady Gaga, Phyllis Diller (the first to say yes to the trash request) and Elvira.

No need for us to do an interview. Everything you need to know about Mecier can be found on his website and in these videos.

You'll hear one critic call Mecier a "one trick pony" and another compare his work to a train wreck. You'll also hear a collector absolutely gush about the mosaics.

We're not going to jump into the debate. We love the work and Mecier because they are just plain FUN. Isn't that what Saturdays are supposed to be all about?

Enjoy -- Nancie

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