Monday, April 26, 2010

Video Update on Phoolan: The Baronness Carrie von Reichardt

The Baronness Carrie von Reichardt -- Craftivist, potter, mosaic artist, instigator and leader of The Treatment Room in London has just sent word that Phoolan the Elephant is finally complete. The Baroness and her cohorts have been working on the bodacious and poignant pachyderm for months now. In the video below, you'll see Phoolan in all her glory.

The sculpture is to be part of London's Elephant Parade, a three-month event featuring 250 elephants decorated by artists and celebrities strategically placed around London. Phoolan has prime space right in front of the Natural History Museum. At the end of July, the elephants will be auctioned by Sotheby's with the proceeds going to elephant conservation projects.

Phoolan has two sides: One the perfect personification of a storybook elephant, the other side an animal rent and torn by poachers and landmines. She's a perfect example of "craftivism."

To quote the Baroness:
“Craftivism is a way of looking at life where voicing opinions through creativity makes your voice stronger, your compassion deeper & your quest for justice more infinite” Betsy Greer. I consider myself to be a craftivist. I believe that art is the most powerful tool we have to bring about social change. You got to fight for you right to be arty.
All power to the People.
Our compliments to the Baroness and her extremely talented cohorts for "taking it to the streets" once again. Phoolan is going to knock 'em dead. Phoolan debuts May 3rd.

For more information on Carrie Reichardt, Phoolan and The Treatment Rooms click here and here

Enjoy -- Nancie


  1. When I click on the video, I'm taken to an earlier post. Not sure what's wrong here.

  2. Thanks for the heads up, Maureen. I think it's fixed now.
