Thursday, May 20, 2010

Finally, The 700 Year Old Angel of the Hagia Sophia is Revealed in Its Entirety

The scaffolding has finally been put away and now we can view the beautiful angel in the Hagia Sophia in its entirety. If you click on the link below, you will see the NYTimes article with a gorgeous photo of the whole angel. We think the image is enormously powerful and inspiring.

We first blogged about this in July 2009 when the "Angel Saraphin" was revealed as an ornamental medallion was removed during a restoration project. The metal plates were added in 1869 in keeping with Islamic law prohibiting praying before human images.

The AP video below is from 2009. For our Facebook Fans -- to see the video, copy and paste into your browser.

Here is still more video distributed by Turkish authorities. While there is no translation, it is fascinating to see the blocking and tackling of restoration up close. Please keep your hands inside the elevator.

For our Facebook Fans, the link is:

Enjoy -- Nancie


  1. Really wonderful, Nancie. Thank you, especially, for including that second video.

  2. Glad you enjoyed it, Maureen. That second vid gives one such perspective on the place. Love that.

  3. Thanks Nancie. The angel has such an interesting expression on its face .... deeply furrowed brows ..... I haven't seen angels depicted like that before - I wonder what it's signifying? And although they said it's been covered up since the fall of Constantinople in 1453, do you know when it was made?
    thanks, Jane

  4. Hi Nancie, thank you for providing up to date news on the world of mosaic! Dedicating a specific post on to Hagia Sofia mosaics is one of my plans. If your readers are interested they can read a little bit about Byzantine mosaics by going to :

  5. Jane, Sorry but I don't know offhand when the mosaic was first done. That building has so much history. Like you, I find the face arresting -- so strong and not traditionally "angelic." Would so love to see it in person.

    Lu Musa -- Thanks for the links and all information. You've done your homework!
