Sunday, May 30, 2010

How'd They Do That? The Conservation of the Orpheus Mosaic at Paphos, Cyprus

This book, published by the Getty Conservation Institute, is a fascinating read AND it is available free, on the web as a PDF file. Check out the description from the Getty's website below:

As part of its long-term interest in the preservation of mosaics in situ, the Getty Conservation Institute, working with the Cyprus Department of Antiquities, undertook the conservation of the Orpheus Mosaic, one of several mosaics located in the archaeological zone at Paphos. The mosaic is part of the remains of a Roman villa that dates back to the late second or early third century.

The project involved detaching the mosaic using a rolling technique (the mosaic was in need of a new support), cleaning the back of the mosaic, applying a new mortar bed, and reinstalling the mosaic at its original site. Other aspects of the project included formal training in mosaics conservation, environmental monitoring, analyzing the mosaic's tesserae, and constructing a hexashelter to protect the mosaic.

We were especially enthralled with the description and photos of the giant "drum" which was used to roll the mosaic out of its original position.

It's free. It's fascinating. And it's the Getty. What more could you want? Go, already.

When you're done with that, check out the Getty's video on their joint project with Tunisia's Institut National du Patrimoine to preserve that country's exquisite mosaic heritage in situ. Technicians are taught how to document, evaluate, refurbish, and maintain ancient Roman mosaics. Fabulous.

Enjoy -- Nancie


  1. Another great post, Nancie! Thanks so much.

  2. Great video and a fabulous e-book.

  3. Nice Post and video! We does read e-book just fascinating, thanks Nancie! Joe and Romio

  4. Great news thank you! I will add this on my blog where I often mention Cypriot mosaics.

  5. Hi, Maggie. Thanks for passing on the information. Glad you liked the post, Kathy. It's always great to have feedback!
