Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Call to Artists Exhibition in Print 2011: Entering and Judging

From the Exhibition in Print 2010
White Rabbit Doreen Adams (USA)
36h x 20w inches. Venetian and Mexican Smalti

The White Rabbit has the right of it.

Tempus fugit and the Early Entry ($40 Fee) Deadline for the Exhibition in Print (EIP) is only two weeks away -- September 1st closely followed by the Final Deadline ($50 Fee) -- October 1st. With that in mind in this last post on the EIP, we're going to cover how to enter and our judging process.

Previous posts on August 4th and August 11th offered readers the opportunity to review the success of EIP 2010, look at past winners, meet our judging panel and learn about the prizes the selected artists will receive in 2011.

As we have said in the past, in the EIP 2011, we are hoping for no less than a break-through moment for contemporary mosaic art. We hopeful that artists working in all genres of the medium will be represented in the 2011 edition of Mosaic Art NOW.

How To Enter

EIP 2011 is designed to showcase a body of work produced by individual artists as opposed to a single work of art. Four pages in Mosaic Art NOW 2011 will be devoted to each accepted artist. The opportunity here is for you to make a powerful impression about who you are and why you do what you do.

Think of the four-page article as a portfolio in print, something you can use when approaching galleries, collectors, and the media in promoting yourself. A PDF of each article will be made available to selected artists for their personal use.

Sample article available for full view here.

Each entry will consist of:
  • 3 mosaics each of which is represented by 2 photographs, one full shot and one detail shot. (total 6 photographs)
  • A 250 word Artist Statement describing who you are, why you do what you do, what inspires you or your aspirations for your work.
  • A 150 word Description for each mosaic (total three Descriptions) describing the inspiration for the work and/or how it fits into your body of work.
The full prospectus -- available in English, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese -- can be downloaded here. In it you will find easy to follow directions, suggestions, and resources to help you assemble your entry.

Judging Process

To maximize the opportunity to learn from the varying vantage points of our judging panel, the EIP 2011 will essentially be two exhibits. Art dealer Bernice Steinbaum, PhD will select one group of artists to be featured in the publication -- the team of mosaic artist/author/teacher Emma Biggs and artist/historian/commentator Matthew Collings will select a second group of artists.

From the complete group of selected artists, Steinbaum will pick one Best in Show ($500 prize) and Biggs/Collings will pick another Best in Show ($500 prize). A single artist may be selected for inclusion and Best in Show by both Steinbaum and Biggs/Collings.

Entries (photos and commentary) will be viewed by the judges in paper and digital form.

Finally . . .

We hope these three posts have inspired you to enter the Exhibition in Print 2011. Let the world see your mosaic voice.

And now, the last group of EIP 2010 winners with comments from last year's judge, Dr. Scott Shields, Chief Curator of the Crocker Art Museum.

Enjoy -- Nancie

Spaghetti Western Jeannie Houson Antes (USA)
42h x 48w inches. Italian and Mexican smalti built on tempered glass and lit from within. Western and Americana found objects in a handmade barnwood frame.

"Spaghetti Western appropriate kitsch by adapting and then embellishing a 1950s paint-by-number cowboy and bucking bronco surround this central image with ashtrays, belt buckles, toy guns, and spurs, the artist has created a pop icon that simultaneously oozes nostalgia and critiques consumer culture."

Familiar Ground
Gwyn Kaitis, Andreya Natkin, Laurie Peters (USA)
6h x 12w feet. Pebbles, driftwood, copper, jasper, ate, petrified wood, quartz, geodes, turquoise, chrysoprase, marble, chrysocolla, fossils, sheet glass, Italian and Mexican Smalti.

". . . distinguished by the freshness of (its) approach. Familiar Ground takes landscape representation into conceptual realms through its incorporation of materials gathered from the Wisconsin site that is depicted."

Geology Nirit Keren (Israel) keren.nirit@gmail.com36h x 32w 25d centimeters. Yellow travertine, cement.

"Geology delves beyond the earth's strata to allow us to peer into hidden realms."

February Morning, Paris Kate Kerrigan (USA)
32h x 24w inches. Italian stone, gold.

"February Morning, Paris also features trees, but these are hauntingly barren, conributing to the paramount sense of loneliness of a nearly deserted Parisian street."

Maria Julie Lucus (USA)
25 x 75 x 19 inches Glass mirror, hundreds of metal parts ranging from a kazoo to a martini shaker, two full sets of antique typewriter keys, screws, plastic, and wire.

" . . . Maria evokes through a robotic goddess the future itself, one in which we have lost our humanity to technology and the machine."

Notturno (Nightly) Giulio Menossi (Italy)
80h x 120w x 10d centimeters. Smalti, golds, pearls, marble.

"Others took advantage of their medium's ability to assume three dimensions by richly layering forms . . . Notturno (breaches) the picture plane into luscious sweeping forms and patterns."


Exhibition in Print 2011 Prospectus: http://www.mosaicartnow.com/Exhibition.aspx (English, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese)

Review of EIP 2010: http://mosaicartnow.blogspot.com/2010/08/exhibition-in-print-review-of-2010s.html

EIP 2010 Prizes and Judges: http://mosaicartnow.blogspot.com/2010/08/call-to-artists-exhibition-in-print.html

Mosaic Art NOW Annual: www.mosaicartnow.com

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