Thursday, February 16, 2012

Coming March 5th: The New MAN

Two and a half years and over 300 blog posts later, it's time to recreate Mosaic Art NOW (MAN).  Starting March 5th, MAN will be bigger, bolder, more dynamic and just plain better lookin', if we do say so ourselves.  That new logo at the top of this article is just a taste of what's to come.

The Website

Working with top-notch website wonderworkers, we have created an online presence designed to show contemporary mosaic art for what it is – an exciting, dynamic and totally relevant art medium.

Actually, you can blame all of this on that mosaic moshpit that was RavennaMosaico 2011.  We were so exhilarated, so overwhelmed and so inspired by the art, the people, and the energy in that space in time that we decided to do our best to capture the essence of it here on MAN.

So, here is some of what you'll see at starting March 5th . . .
  • A Collection of the over 100 artists who have been featured on MAN plus links to the articles they were originally featured in.
  • Easy access to MAN Archives; everything old will be new again because you'll be able to find it.
  • New recurring content areas
    • Ideas  The latest in mosaic thinking – white papers and commentary by mosaic makers, scholars, teachers and critics
    • Why Mosaic?  Essays by accomplished artists sharing their reasons for choosing mosaic as their medium for self expression
  • Curated Galleries of mosaic images from past MAN articles that will change regularly
  • A line-up of fascinating Contributors from around the world.
But wait!  There's more!


We have heard your comments that sometimes - between the articles and the Tweets and your busy lives -  there's just too much MAN to keep up with, so . . . we created The BOM - The Best of MAN.

The BOM will be a weekly digest showcasing three MAN articles and the top five tweets of the week.  When you ask for it, The BOM will show up in your email inbox every Sunday at noon Pacific Standard Time.  Badda bing, badda boom – you're caught up whenever you decide to open the email.

This is the last post on Blogger

Our website wonderworkers are telling us to shut down MAN Blogger activities to help ease the transition of data over to the WordPress site at  So, this will be the last post you'll find here.  We will be posting on our Facebook Page wall and tweeting – although that activity will probably slow down while we work on the new site. 


We're not answering any.  No, really.  We're not.  Not yet, anyway.  You're going to have to wait until the new site goes live because we're pretty certain that all your questions will be answered when you see it and, to tell the truth, we're pretty busy at the moment.

So, we'll see you in March at  Bookmark us, baby!



  1. Sounds SUPER and I can't wait to see it. Congratulations!

  2. Thanks so much for the good wishes, Sonia, Maureen, and Christine. We're just learning how to drive this Maserati of a website. Training wheels on!

  3. Fantastic and well done! I know from experience how much hard work this is...Wordpress is great, I am sure it will be wonderful!
